Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Beings of Light

Very few places in the world can claim to be pitch black. The only appropriate candidates would be an enclosure where only a handful of photons remain. [Fritz-Albert] Popp possessed such a place, a room so dark that only the barest few photons of light per minute could be detected in it. This was the only fit laboratory in which to measure the light of human beings.

He began studying the patterns of biophoton emissions of some of his students. In one series of studies, he had one of his experimenters – a 27-year-old healthy woman – sit in the room everyday for nine months, while he took photon readings of a very small area of her hand and forehead. Popp then analysed the data and discovered, to his surprise, that the light emissions followed certain set patterns – biological rhythms at 7, 14, 32, 80 and 270 days, when the emissions were identical, even after one year. Emissions for both the left and the right hand were also correlated. If there was an increase in the photons coming off the right hand, so there would be a similar increase of the left hand. On a subatomic level, the waves of each hand were in phase. In terms of light, the right hand knew what the left hand was doing.

Emissions also seemed to follow other natural biological rhythms; similarities were noted by day or night, by week, by month, as though the body were following the world’s biorhythms as well as its own.

So far, Popp had studied only healthy individuals and found exquisite coherence at the quantum level. But what kind of light was present in a person who was ill? He tried out his machine on a series of cancer patients. In every instance, the cancer patients had lost these natural periodic rhythms and also their coherence. Their lines of internal communication were scrambled. They had lost their connection with the world. In effect, their light was going out.

- from Chapter 3: Beings of Light
The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe
by Lynne McTaggart

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, interesting about cancer patients. I came across Donna Eden's book, Energy Medicine years ago and took her course at the Kripalu Centre. She has a 5 minute energy exercise routine that aligns all your
energy. She's on youtube.