Sunday, November 28, 2010

Neuro Electric Therapy for Addiction

Medicine using electrostimulation is arguably a more benign intervention than pharmacology, and recent progress in the treatment of Parkinson’s and other conditions using such stimulation is establishing a record of both safety and efficacy in tens of thousands of patients in this decade alone. In its different forms, electrostimulation includes acupuncture, electro-acupuncture, deep brain stimulation and various applications of cranial electrostimulation. This paper describes the background, treatment process, outcomes and ongoing research arising from perhaps the best known application of cranial electrostimulation for addiction, that of the late Dr Meg Patterson’s NeuroElectric Therapy (NET™), a treatment distinguished by its clinical record in treating a wide variety of drugs of dependency, and clinically potent enough to do so rapidly and without supportive or replacement pharmacology.

- excerpted from A Common Anti-Addiction Mechanism: NeuroElectric Therapy (NET™) in Drug Treatment

Friday, November 26, 2010

Human Energy Fields

Frontier scientists around the globe have discovered evidence of the existence of a quantum energy field. The field may not only explain homoeopathy, but may be the main force we have to tap in order to heal.

Fritz-Albert Popp thought he had discovered a cure for cancer. It was 1970, and Popp, a theoretical biophysicist at the University of Marburg in Germany, had been teaching radiology - the interaction of electromagnetic (EM) radiation on biological systems. He’d been examining benzo[a]pyrene, a polycyclic hydrocarbon known to be one of the most lethal carcinogens to humans, and had illuminated it with ultraviolet (UV) light.

Popp played around with light a lot. He’d long been fascinated by the effect of EM radiation on living systems, and had been trying to determine the effects of ‘exciting’ this deadly compound with UV light.

Monday, October 25, 2010

The Goal of Evenmindedness

"Several years after Father had retired on a pension, an English accountant arrived to examine the books of the Bengal-Nagpur Railway Company. The amazed investigator discovered that Father had never applied for overdue bonuses.

"He did the work of three men!" the accountant told the company. "He has rupees 125,000 (about $41,250.) owing to him as back compensation." The officials presented Father with a check for this amount. He thought so little about it that he overlooked any mention to the family. Much later he was questioned by my youngest brother Bishnu, who noticed the large deposit on a bank statement.

"Why be elated by material profit?" Father replied. "The one who pursues a goal of evenmindedness is neither jubilant with gain nor depressed by loss. He knows that man arrives penniless in this world, and departs without a single rupee."

- From Autobiography of a Yogi

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Health Benefits of Qigong and Tai Chi

Qigong is, definitively, more ancient in origin than Tai Chi, and it is the overarching, more original discipline incorporating widely diverse practices designed to cultivate functional integrity and the enhancement of the life essence that the Chinese call Qi. Both Qigong and Tai Chi sessions incorporate a wide range of physical movements, including slow, meditative, flowing, dance-like motions. In addition, they both can include sitting or standing meditation postures as well as either gentle or vigorous body shaking. Most importantly, both incorporate the purposeful regulation of both breath and mind coordinated with the regulation of the body. Qigong and Tai Chi are both based on theoretical principles that are inherent to TCM. In the ancient teachings of health-oriented Qigong and Tai Chi, the instructions for attaining the state of enhanced Qi capacity and function point to the purposeful coordination of body, breath, and mind (paraphrased here): "Mind the body and the breath, and then clear the mind to distill the Heavenly elixir within." This combination of self-awareness with self-correction of the posture and movement of the body, the flow of breath, and mindfulness, are thought to comprise a state that activates the natural selfregulatory (self-healing) capacity, stimulating the balanced release of endogenous neurohormones and a wide array of natural health recovery mechanisms that are evoked by the intentful integration of body and mind.

- from A Comprehensive Review of the Health Benefits of Tai Chi and Qigong

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Soul Guidance

Intuition is soul guidance, appearing naturally in man during those instants when his mind is calm. Nearly everyone has had the experience of an inexplicably correct "hunch," or has transferred his thoughts effectively to another person.

The human mind, free from the static of restlessness, can perform through its antenna of intuition all the functions of complicated radio mechanisms-sending and receiving thoughts, and tuning out undesirable ones. As the power of a radio depends on the amount of electrical current it can utilize, so the human radio is energized according to the power of will possessed by each individual.

All thoughts vibrate eternally in the cosmos. By deep concentration, a master is able to detect the thoughts of any mind, living or dead. Thoughts are universally and not individually rooted; a truth cannot be created, but only perceived. The erroneous thoughts of man result from imperfections in his discernment. The goal of yoga science is to calm the mind, that without distortion it may mirror the divine vision in the universe.

Radio and television have brought the instantaneous sound and sight of remote persons to the firesides of millions: the first faint scientific intimations that man is an all-pervading spirit. Not a body confined to a point in space, but the vast soul, which the ego in most barbaric modes conspires in vain to cramp.

- from Chapter 15 of Autobiography of a Yogi

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Experience Giving PK Parties

The belief systems we hold create a lens through which we filter the world. This lens often limits the possibilities of our experiences and renders us powerless to achieve different outcomes. In the realm of healing, acceptance of a disease or symptom can lead us to expect suffering and nothing else. However, we can alter our beliefs about ourselves and about our ability to enhance wellness. My interest in psychokinesis (PK) stems from the perspective that the power of the mind is important to the healing process. What we think can create balance or imbalance in our physical functioning. But what if we don't believe that we have that power? It often takes personal experience to move us beyond theory and into acceptance. The purposes of this paper are to document the experiences of those who tapped into that experience and to discover what new thoughts arose as a result.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

The St. Francis Effect

A most dramatic example of the St. Francis effect came from a woman in a group of state employees to whom I was giving a talk in Concord, New Hampshire. The woman related a story of two beautiful Egyptian geese she kept on her farm.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Sharing Dreams

Deep in the rainforests of the Amazon, the Achuar and the Huaorani Indians are assembled for their daily ritual. Every morning, each member of the tribe awakens before dawn, and once gathered together in that twilight hour, as the world explodes into light, they share their dreams.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Dwelling in the Light

The masters who are able to materialize and dematerialize their bodies or any other object, and to move with the velocity of light, and to utilize the creative light-rays in bringing into instant visibility any physical manifestation, have fulfilled the necessary Einsteinian condition: their mass is infinite.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Power of Mistletoe

In one of numerous cases, [Fritz-Albert] Popp came across a woman in her thirties with breast and vaginal cancer. Popp tried mistletoe and other plant extracts on samples of her cancerous tissue and found that one particular mistletoe remedy created coherence in the tissue similar to that of the body. With the agreement of her doctor, the woman began forgoing any treatment other than the mistletoe extract. After a year, all her laboratory tests were virtually back to normal. A woman who was given up as a terminal cancer case had her proper light restored, just by taking a herb.

- from Chapter 3: Beings of Light
The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe
by Lynne McTaggart

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Noetic Science

For more than 37 years, the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) has employed the rigor of science, balanced by personal and collective wisdom to support a shift of consciousness that transforms present global conditions into a world grounded in freedom, wisdom, and compassion.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Measurable Precognition

In their remote-viewing experiments at Stanford Research Institute, [Hal] Puthoff and [Russell] Targ found that, in addition to being able to psychically describe remote locations that experimenters were visiting in the present, test subjects could also describe locations experimenters would be visiting in the future, before the locations had even been decided upon.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

The inner science of self-control

Yoga has been superficially misunderstood by certain Western writers, but its critics have never been its practitioners. Among many thoughtful tributes to yoga may be mentioned one by Dr. C. G. Jung, the famous Swiss psychologist.

Qigong and Tai Chi Research

The research on Mind-Body practice, the relaxation response, practical spiritual awareness, natural inner healing resources and energy based health and empowerment methods has been subjective for thousands of years – based in oral traditions and highly revered spiritual masters.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Improbable Phenomena

"Very strange, very wonderful, seemingly very improbable phenomena may yet appear which, when once established, will not astonish us more than we are now astonished at all that science has taught us during the last century," Charles Robert Richet, Nobel Prizeman in physiology, has declared.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Meditation in Schools

'Mindfulness', the process of learning to become more aware of our ongoing experiences, increases well-being in adolescent boys, a new study reports.

Researchers from the University of Cambridge analyzed 155 boys from two independent UK schools, Tonbridge and Hampton, before and after a four-week crash course in mindfulness. After the trial period, the 14 and 15 year-old boys were found to have increased well-being, defined as the combination of feeling good (including positive emotions such as happiness, contentment, interest and affection) and functioning well.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Forgiveness and Alpha Waves

"George Gallup, in one of his Gallup Polls surveyed Americans on the topic of Forgiveness. He found that Forgiveness is something virtually all Americans aspire to --94% surveyed in a nationwide Gallup poll said it was important to forgive. But it is not something we frequently are able to do.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Beings of Light

Very few places in the world can claim to be pitch black. The only appropriate candidates would be an enclosure where only a handful of photons remain. [Fritz-Albert] Popp possessed such a place, a room so dark that only the barest few photons of light per minute could be detected in it. This was the only fit laboratory in which to measure the light of human beings.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Dangerous New Territory

At a certain point I began to recognize, first with wonder and then alarm, that I had trespassed into dangerous new territory, a fledgling science in the very act of its creation. The scientific foundation that we had all believed in, on which all our confident assertions about ourselves and our place in the world presently rested, was disintegrating right in front of me. The book I’d talked myself into writing was going to require no less than redefining our present concept of reality.

- from the Introduction of Lynne McTaggart's ground-breaking book, The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Power of the Mind

In a 1962 experiment Drs. Harriet Linton and Robert Langs told test subjects they were going to participate in a study on the effects of LSD, but then gave them a placebo instead. Nonetheless, half an hour after taking the placebo, the subjects began to experience the classic symptoms of the actual drug, loss of control, supposed insight into the meaning of existence, and so on. These “placebo trips” lasted several hours.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Vibrational Alchemy

In Benveniste's most recent study, he took a test tube of this plasma with calcium chelated out, then added water containing calcium which had been exposed to the 'sound' of heparin transmitted via the signature digitized electromagnetic frequency. As with all his other experiments, the signature frequency of heparin works as though the molecules of heparin itself were there: in its presence, the blood is more reluctant than ususal to coagulate.

from Chapter 4: The Language of the Cell
The Field by Lynne McTaggart

The book is a very enjoyable but technical investigation into the science that no one's talking about because it completely challenges almost everything we THINK we know about the physical universe. It was written by a pretty credible journalist who is as surprised as anyone to be writing about this stuff. Even the scientist she was writing about here was very suprised. It was an accidental discovery which is, in my opinion, the most credible kind. He tested it over and over, and it worked out every time.

That's why I love this story.

These are surprised orthodox cool is that?

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Cutting-Edge Science

Last week's posting created a small but humourous thread on Facebook. I found myself in a conversation with strangers who felt what I was writing about was either religious nonsense or primitive science, as well as some sympathetic friends who were far more open to the ideas I was framing.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Surprising Role of the Heart

Of greatest significance here is our major finding: namely, the electrophysiological evidence that the heart is directly involved in the processing of information about a future emotional stimulus seconds before the body actually experiences the stimulus.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Why Learn Remote Viewing?

Many times since starting to teach controlled remote viewing commercially, I've been asked variations of the question "Why do people want to learn remote viewing?"or "What good is remote viewing?"

I've thought about it for a long time, and have come to the following conclusion. Maybe people want to learn remote viewing for reasons similar to why others learn to skydive.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The Legend of Milarepa

To demonstrate his mastery over the limits of the physical world, Milarepa had placed his open hand against the cave’s wall at about shoulder level . . . and then continued to push his hand farther into the rock in front of him, as if the wall did not exist! When he did so, the stone beneath his palms became soft and malleable, leaving the deep impression of his hand for all to see. When the student who witnessed this marvel tried to do the same thing, it’s recorded that all he accomplished was the frustration of an injured hand.

This excerpt is taken from the book The Spontaneous Healing of Belief, by Gregg Braden.

Click here to read more

The Buddha Machine

The Buddha Machine is a little plastic box that plays music.

In a way, it’s like the cheapest pre-loaded IPod you’ll ever be able to buy...

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Wu Wei

If, in fact, we are naturally good in a ‘so-of-itself,’ no-effort fashion, why are we not good already? If the Laozian soteriological path is so effortless and spontaneous, why do we have to be told to pursue it? … Laozi urges us to behaviorally ‘do wu-wei’ and to cognitively ‘grasp oneness,’ while at the same time he systematically condemns doing and grasping… The fact that we are not already … open to the Way means that we need to somehow render ourselves receptive, and Zhuangzi is thus forced to supplement his effortlessness and unself-consciousness metaphors with references to hard work and training…

from Effortless Action by Edward Slingerman

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Heart of Bồ Tát Thích Quảng Đức

The body was re-cremated during the funeral, but the heart of Thích Quảng Đức remained intact and did not burn. It was considered to be holy and placed in a glass chalice at Xa Loi Pagoda. The intact heart relic is regarded as a symbol of compassion and Thích Quảng Đức has subsequently been revered by Vietnamese Buddhists as a bodhisattva (Bồ Tát) and accordingly is often referred to in Vietnamese as Bồ Tát Thích Quảng Đức.

Click here to read more

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Getting Grounded

When we concentrate and fix our mind on the lower half of the body in order to keep the upper half cool and the lower warm, we shall be able to face reality calmly and readily however harsh it may be.

Yasen Kanna: Health Culture in Zen

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Paramagnetism in Agriculture

Research into photon/light emissions can also be confirmed at home by poking a pin hole through a camera lens cover, then strapping some paramagnetic material across the hole. The lens cover is put on a camera, set to slow release, and left in total darkness for 3 weeks. When developed, the film displays a bright circle of 'light' radiating out from the pinhole.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Mind Lamp

Research conducted by the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research laboratory, at Princeton University, produced compelling evidence of an unexplained connection between consciousness and the physical world. In rigorous studies directed by Robert G. Jahn, then Dean of the School of Engineering, REGs and other probabilistic devices were seen to behave very differently when they encountered consciousness.

The Mind Lamp is a color-changing ambient device that can respond to human intention and group consciousness. The lamp combines a Psyleron true random event generator with algorithms and visual feedback designed to elicit a response from human consciousness. Whether used as a decorative centerpiece, a meditation tool, or a group game, the lamp is an engaging yet relaxing way to explore mind-matter interaction.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

PsychoKinesis Parties

At the first PK Party, we were sitting in a circle and I had passed out my grandparents' antique silverware --- it has all been dedicated to science now. There was a lot of giggling and laughter because I do not think people believed that this was really going to happen. I don't think that I thought it was going to happen either. However, I was testing this conceptual model and had to follow through with the experiment. All of a sudden a fourteen-year-old boy had the fork he was holding begin to have the head slowly fall over...

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Cortices Technique

Several years ago, I took my first BodyTalk class with Dr Marita Kufe (now Marita Roussey) in Hanover, Germany. When I returned to my home in Hamburg, I right away decided I must try to use some of my BodyTalk techniques that I had just learned on my patients. (I am an occupational therapist and was working at the time in a coma ward at a hospital in Hamburg – Bramfield.) I didn’t know quite where to begin, so I decided to do only the Cortices technique on 10 of my patients. I then went home at the end of my shift. The next day when I arrived back, there was a terrific commotion because six patients had awakened from their comas! These were diabetes patients and accident victims, some of whom had been in comas for many months. They still had diabetes and they still needed a great deal of recovery from their injuries – but they came out of their comas and were immediately transferred off my wing for further treatment.

Anne Baguhn, CBP - Hamburg, Germany

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Quantum Agriculture

In the late 1970s T. Galen Hieronymus of Lakemont, Georgia discovered that dynamic, organizational patterns can be broadcast over large acreages with stationary, self-driven equipment. He called his invention a Cosmic Pipe. This technology was further developed and renamed Field Broadcaster by Hugh Lovel.

Hugh Lovel is the author of a definitive text on Biodynamic agriculture entitled "A Biodynamic Farm" published by Acres Press. Field broadcasting sets up a standing wave field that organizes energy patterns to make high-yield, quality agriculture more do-able for anyone. As a stationary self-driven Instrument, a field broadcaster uses circuitry and induction coils to induce resonant, Biodynamic and other fractal patterns directly into the soil and atmosphere.

Click here to read more

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The God Helmet

"Thus far, about 20 or so people have reported feeling the presence of Christ or even seeing him in the chamber. Most of these people used Christ and God interchangeably. Most of these individuals were older and religious. One male, age about 35 years old saw a clear apparition of Christ staring him in the face. He was quite "shaken" by the experience." - Dr M. A. Persinger

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Monday, March 15, 2010

How to Bust Loose

What I love most about Robert Scheinfeld is how his teachings echo the wisdom of my favourite book, Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda.

Robert's prescription for success is not about the creation of material wealth. It's about cultivating joy and living in the moment.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Earth’s Energetic Systems and Human Consciousness

The Global Coherence Initiative’s three major hypotheses that synthesize the relationship between human beings and the solar and earth’s energetic fields:

Hypothesis No. 1: All living things are interconnected and we communicate with each other via biological, and electromagnetic fields.

Hypothesis No. 2: Not only are humans affected by planetary energetic fields, but conversely the earth’s energetic systems are also influenced by collective human emotions and consciousness. Much of the planetary field environment is made up of the collective consciousness of the inhabitants.

Hypothesis No. 3: Large numbers of people intentionally creating heart-coherent states of care, love, compassion and appreciation can generate a coherent standing wave that will help offset the current planetary wave of stress, discord and incoherence.

Click here to learn more

Friday, February 26, 2010

Life Is Just A Ride

From Revelations by Bill Hicks. View it on You Tube here.

I've been thinking about Bill Hicks all week but the feeling was particularly strong this morning. The research I did for this entry told me he died sixteen years ago today.

A new documentary on Bill Hicks' life was released in 2009.